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From here to Infinity

From here to Infinity

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Consider this insurgency....countered!

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The steady clatter of small arms was drowned out by the deep “thumping” of heavier fire just before a pair of trees exploded near the Zhanshi line.  Chunks of wooden shrapnel, pine tar and needles rained down from the destruction.  Looking towards the enemy lines a massive armored suit stomped it’s way into view, guns trained on the Yu Jing forces.  Apparently the enemy had been re-enforced as well. 

The appearance of the TAG was not a good sign.  It was unlikely the assembled force would be able to hold long against the level of firepower and armor it could bring to bear. 

On the left side of their line three Zhanshi seemed to distort before fading into multicolored fragments and finally disappearing.  In their place was a Yu Jing agent of the Kanren.  Her gaze was locked on the TAG but unfocused, seeing a world beyond the natural.  After a moment the great beast of a machine jerked sharply and then ceased moving at all.

“Threat neutralized Lieutenant”  stated a voice over their comms.  A brief cheer went up from the StateEmpire troops as the balance of power shifted back their way.

Hello everyone.  So we’re getting into the final stretch of at least the first phase of this project.  Fifteen of twenty-two models done (with a whole pile of others that I can start on after that 😉

As I mentioned last time I was trying to decide if I would do my Kanren Hacker or two Tiger Soldiers next.  In the end I started off by working on all three (makes more efficient use of paint since they share a lot of colors) but then ended up focusing on the Kanren.

The main reason for this was the mini itself.  The Kanren Hacker is made up of two parts, the main body and one leg and the other leg, gun and arm.  Because the legs weren’t connected I couldn’t base the mini.  As I started base coating all three and then adding the first layer of Rainy Grey to the armor I realized I was going to have to be touching the mini a lot more than I would like and paint would be getting rubbed off a lot (generally I hold them by their base).

This lead to me figuring out what I was going to need to paint prior to attaching the two halves together which in turn ended up with a completed Kanren and two Tiger Soldiers still essentially just base coated 🙂

So for the Kanren I mainly used the same paint scheme as the Zhanshi but I did want to make her a bit distinct.  I did this by painting her coat in purple (Nightshade Purple – 09022 – 3/1, Imperial Purple – 09023 – 2/1, Amethyst Purple – 09029 – 2/1) and then did her hair in a fading pink (mainly just for fun) (Pale Violet Red – 09027 – 3/1, Violet Red – 09026 – 3/2, Breat Cancer Awareness Pink – 3/1).  I did a bunch of blending to get the hair effect to something I was happy with.

One slight issue with the model, or perhaps how I glued it, is that the back leg makes contact at the knee but then the lower leg rises so the foot is in the air (where I think it should all be flat on the ground.    It also extends past the edge of the base which is a little annoying (if it didn’t the toe of the foot might touch the ground which would negate the rising issue).  I should be able to fix this once I get to basing however.

Because I just got on a roll with this mini I didn’t take much in the way of in progress shots so there’s just the one and then a few shots of the final.

Now it’s time for those Tiger Soldiers 🙂

Remember when we were all a team...Remember when we were all a team...

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