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Civs Foray into Orky 40k

Civs Foray into Orky 40k

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Finding a game to enjoy

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So I’m putting these guys on hold. After 3 games of the new 40k, after a few years break, I honestly hate the game.

For me theres too much off the field that impacts the game. The strategems For me impact the game too much and it just doesnt flow I feel.

I want to rush orks forward and have guard try to hold back the tide not spend my time checking key words and looking up strategems. I really want to feel this is a 40k game and I just couldnt get immersed in it at all.

I love the universe of 40k, the artwork, the models, the stories but the game…well I’m on the Lookout for something else.

One page rules are a potential, looks simple enough for me to get a good game out of it and not have to invest half my life and life savings buying several different books and then reading them all trying to piece together what my army can actually do.

Even my brand new rulebook direct from GW was completely out of date. It was Lloyd who mentioned recently that sometimes you just dont have time to keep up with the game, so I’m choosing not to.

Hopefully My orks will grace (smash into) the battlefield again, but they wont be doing so in the 40k game world that’s for sure.

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Cult of Games Member

I haven’t played in the latest edition yet but I found that the last edition of 40k was dominated too much by the stratagems. Even after I spent ages before the battle sorting the stratagems by the phase in which they might be used, and removing the ones I would not be bale to use in the game, I spent ages considering which ones to use and when. Knowing what stratagems my opponent might use was never going to happen. As cool as some of them are overall they slowed everything down too much.

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