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TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

TTCombat Terraced House (Experiment)

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The Printed Word isn't Dead Yet!

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 11
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As I said when I started this project, I’ve read a lot of articles, forum posts, watched YouTube videos etc. There’s a lot of advice out there – some of it seems very sound but a lot of it can be contradictory. It’s enough to give you analysis paralysis.

But while working on this, I just happened to be browsing the Sarissa Precision website (Honesty love, I definitely wasn’t looking to pick up yet another kit – I swear!) and saw that they recently published the following book – A Guide to Making and Painting Laser Cut MDF Model Kits. Wait a minute … I’m making and painting laser cut MDF model kits!! Seems like a good fit – Boom – Ordered!

A Guide to Making and Painting Laser Cut MDF Model Kits (Gary Faulkner - Sarissa Precision)A Guide to Making and Painting Laser Cut MDF Model Kits (Gary Faulkner - Sarissa Precision)

The book arrived this morning and I’ve been enjoying reading through it so far.

One of the very first tips I picked up was that there is no need to prime or seal the MDF! Especially 2mm MDF. Gary recommends going straight on with artists acrylics or house paint straight from the pot. As long as it’s not thinned down, with the brush not even dipped in water, it should go on fine, provide a good base coat and not cause warping or any other problems. This would have saved me a lot of time rather than applying 4 or 5 base coats over the grey primer!! Ah well – this is an experimental piece and the whole point is to learn from mistakes and pick up and practice new techniques. C’est la vie.

As I’m already well in to this kit, I’ll stick to my original plans and not use a lot of techniques from the book just yet. I’ll mostly go with the suck it and see approach, find out what worked for me and what didn’t and definitely delve deeper into the book and see what I can pick up for the next project.

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