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On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

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The Miniatures Have Arrived Part I

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 13
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So it begins….

My Eureka Miniatures order came through today so let me break it down. Apologies for the pictures these are 6mm minis after all

The Individual PacketsThe Individual Packets
The LancersThe Lancers
Same Lancers, I really like these Cavalry compared to the ACW stuff, it looks and feels much cleaner and less blobbed together.Same Lancers, I really like these Cavalry compared to the ACW stuff, it looks and feels much cleaner and less blobbed together.
Lancers on Sticks ready for a Spray/Paint. I thought I was so clever labelling them but we'll see how that works out a bit later onLancers on Sticks ready for a Spray/Paint. I thought I was so clever labelling them but we'll see how that works out a bit later on
Hussars with CarbinesHussars with Carbines
Same Hussars in the Pelisse which I was happy to see stood out at 6mmSame Hussars in the Pelisse which I was happy to see stood out at 6mm
The basing Method, spaced out Cavalry on cheap shot ice block sticksThe basing Method, spaced out Cavalry on cheap shot ice block sticks
The Lancers and Hussars ready to paintThe Lancers and Hussars ready to paint
Dragoons, their charing with the sword pointed forwards which will look great but took me a while to figure out why the mane of the horse was a bit messed upDragoons, their charing with the sword pointed forwards which will look great but took me a while to figure out why the mane of the horse was a bit messed up
All the Cavalry, I couldn't get a good picture of the Cuirassiers but they're there. Notice the genius idea of marking the bases so I wouldn't forget what was what? Yeah I sprayed them black after this picture and totally ruined my idea, very smart.All the Cavalry, I couldn't get a good picture of the Cuirassiers but they're there. Notice the genius idea of marking the bases so I wouldn't forget what was what? Yeah I sprayed them black after this picture and totally ruined my idea, very smart.
Eureka are great people and sometime just throw in a few extras, for me these are going to be really useful, 1 pile of dead Cavalry, 1 pile of dead infantry and a High Command set with officers sitting at a table. Very happy to find these surprises.Eureka are great people and sometime just throw in a few extras, for me these are going to be really useful, 1 pile of dead Cavalry, 1 pile of dead infantry and a High Command set with officers sitting at a table. Very happy to find these surprises.

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