From here to Infinity
Growing strength
Hello again OnTableTop Community.
It’s been awhile so time for an update. Unfortunately not a ton of progress but some solid steps forward. First off I did some list tweaking which had lead to some new arrivals :
1x Zhanshi GonCheng
1x Zhanshi Yisheng
2x Yaozao
1x Kanren Counter-insurgence
This will replace a Tiger soldier and some standard Zhanshi but I’ll still paint them since they’re preped. I’ll actually add another Zhanshi to the mix so when the Kanren deploys with his holo goodies I can plop down three “Zhanshi” which might cover for the hidden deployment of the Ninja and Tiger Soldier.
At this point all the models (with the exception of the last Zhanshi) are put together and primed. As stated in the last post the models are all great and assembly has gone well. Still minimal or no mold lines to deal with. I did run into a couple of items though :
- One of the Kuang Shi didn’t want to sit flush when put together and required some filler just below his chest armor.
- The pistol wielding Kuang Shi has a grenade or something to that effect in his right hand. Many of the models have had juts of metal coming off (guessing from vents in the molds) that I’ve become used to removing. Unfortunately I got a bit overzealous and trimmed off the grenade. The model still looks fine with just a fist but I might add a bit later.
- As expected the ninja required some filler.
- The Kanren (Hacker) is an interesting pose from a basing standpoint. The leg with the basing tab is at an angle that doesn’t match the set slots in the bases if you want her facing forward. Easy enough to cut a new slot but worth mentioning.
- The Yaozao arm attach points are relatively shallow ball and socket type that let you adjust how they sit but seemed like they would be a bit weak. So far so good though. Also worth mentioning that one of the faces has a nose guard that could be mistaken for extra metal. Don’t snip it off 🙂
- The Zhanshi hacker has his combi-rifle hanging from a pair of straps. Again you might mistake these initially for connective bits of metal to be removed so be careful.
The biggest bit of effort so far has been trying to come up with the paint scheme I want to use. I’m still not finalized but I think I’m going to go with a winter theme. I’m thinking black under armor with white plates and some yellow secondaries. Light brown for most of the leather and light grey/white for camo. I’m a bit worried they’ll come out a bit too much like Stormtroopers but hopefully the yellow will help negate that.
Should start painting soon. Need to pick out some test subjects to start a paint scheme on 🙂
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