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Aeronautica Imperialis Bases

Aeronautica Imperialis Bases

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The idea...

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 7
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After painting several of the miniatures in the Aeronautic Imperialis games, those grey plastic bases started to look a little boring.

The question is how to paint the bases.  First thought, the bases look a bit like an instrument in an aircraft, specifically like a radar screen.

Below is a link to a youtube view of what someone else did. There are some ideas that I stole.  I like the idea of having the front half of the base with the green radar screen and the back half with a red radar screen.  This would give a quick visual que as to the orientation of the base.  This colour choice was copied from what other painters.

A google search yielded some images of aircraft instruments.  The search was focused on instruments in spitfires.  These instruments typically have black or green frames; probably due to the process of anodizing the aluminum frame.

Other paints may have used black or silver as the frame, I wanted to be different so I used green.

Some of the radar instruments from back in the day had a light green screen. Which goes back to the idea I stole from the youtube video.

So my concept is to have a light green radar scope on the front half, red radar scope for the back half with an olive green frame.  This would be for my imperial aircraft.

My ork and Tau aircraft will get a different colour scheme.


Above are some random pictures of world war two instrument panels and/or radar panels.

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