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Lockdown Leisure League: Rebuilding

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Re-Routing (I regret NOTHING)

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Between having a new Weekender and a new Warhammer Community Preview I figured today was a good day to focus on repairing the Space Wolves damaged in The Accident.
Just a reminder, after sorting through it didn’t look pretty. Contemptor in pieces, Rune Priest hands broken off, and a plethora of regular Marines broken off bases, missing limbs or just generally exploded.


So, easy fixes first, which amounted to the Venerable Dreadnought (really simple – one ankleplate had broken off), Contemptor Dreadnought (in three pieces plus base), and the Primaris Intercessors & Agressors. Nothing fancy here, just superglue or  poly cement as needed.


Getting into a rhythm I moved on to the models that had either come off their bases, broken away from their  legs, or both. Was actually a nice simple job, just the number of models and matching legs to bases where I’d already laid down some Stirland Battlemire got a bit tedious.

After that consolidated any of these missing limbs with the other models that were the same, and began matching parts up (trying to remember where specific limbs originally went).

Honestly this was kinda fun, and it’s nice to get back to just needing to get them painted >_<

That just left the Rune Priest and a few odd minis where the missing bits, well, frag knows where they’ve gotten to. Easy fixes though, and a top tip for anyone – don’t throw away spare bitz, you’ll always find a use for them. On a similar note, if you are thinking of getting into Space Wolves don’t limit yourself to just the Space Wolf branded kits some of the minis I’ve been rebuilding? They’ve got parts from anything up to 6 different kits from across the Space Marine ranges. Hell, some of them even use bits from Chaos Space Marine kits, with judicious use of file & knife to make them look a little less heretical….

And relax....And relax....

And one last bit of hobby for the day – decided to build Sly Marbo, Inquisitor Eisenhorn and Canoness Veridyan (already had one built and primed but, well, she did not survive as well as some falling six feet then getting hit by an avalanche of rulebooks). Nice minis, but gods is Finecase annoying….

Very pretty,  but **** me is Finecast annoying to work with....Very pretty, but **** me is Finecast annoying to work with....

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