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Late Lockdown Warcry

Late Lockdown Warcry

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Iron Golems - Final Steps

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

So, final steps for the Iron Golems:

The red areas were given another coat of Red ink (WC), a wash of Agrax Earthshade (GW), and then re-inked in red.

I picked out more areas of silver, such as the rings on the armour edges and the trim of some helmets – these were Boltgum Metal (GW), washed in Nuln Oil (GW), touched up in Boltgun and then a final highlight of Mithril Silver (GW).

The weapons were also given another wash of Nuln Oil, and touched up with Mithril – they needed a clean up!

All the flesh was given a thinned glazed of Ulthuan Grey / Ogryn Flesh wash. This was to help smooth the transitions a little – although in the pictures it appears that nothing actually changed, to the eye, it does look better.

To protect the models, I gave them a coat of Humbrol Satin enamel varnish. This should give a solid, protective layer to stop chipping during play. The flesh was then given a coat of matte varnish (WC).

The bases were allowed to dry thoroughly, before being given a light drybrush of Terminatus Stone (GW). I then applied patches of Steppe Grass (Army Painter) to give the bases a dry, barren look.

At this point I’m calling these finished.

It’s been a real learning experience to try and paint flesh without using a flesh colour! I’m happy with the overall look, but will always welcome critique, comments and tips!

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berger15zorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations on the gold button your project figures are fabulous looking @berger15

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