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Throne of Skulls Throwback

Throne of Skulls Throwback

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Forge World Dreadnought

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Around the time I stated this army Forge World had started producing incredible Chaos Dreadnoughts. It’s not too much of an exaggeration to say I built the rest of the army as an excuse to buy one!

Forge World Dreadnought
Forge World Dreadnought

When the model was originally purchased the only Nurgle themed weapon was the lascannon. I bought a spare lascannon arm and used it to convert a Plasmacannon as an alternative armament. A few years later FW released a Nurgle themed Heavy Bolter arm, so I picked that up as well! The beauty of this was that model had a nice chunky peg which meant the arms stayed on without the need for glue or magnets, making this an easy way to add weapon options for the Dreadnought.

Forge World Dreadnought
Forge World Dreadnought

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