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Throne of Skulls Throwback

Throne of Skulls Throwback

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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This army started out as a single Plague Marine Champion, kit bashed one night from a friends bits box. The Champion in the centre of this unit is that very marine who became the bench mark of the whole army. The Rest of the unit and Rhino transport came soon after but I continued to raid my friends bits boxes to theme to army.


Over the years my units had a few upgrades here and there, enabling me to tailor them to different battlefield roles. The image above shows the same unit with an alternative champion who was added some years later. This guy is packing a combi-plasma. There is also a meltagun marine in place of the flamer from the previous image, making this load out far more effective against enemy armour.


The army was fleshed out with four more units of Plaguemarines. Two more in transports and a further two on foot. Each had their role to play and were armed appropriately.


Even the vehicles didn’t escape my habit of bits box raiding!


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