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On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

On the Road to Austerlitz: A 6mm Early Napoleonics Project

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So it Begins...

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 13
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"Lol Napoleon's a moron he just let us have the high ground" Some Austrian Guy

So I asked and you guys answered. I did a small 6mm American Civil War project in 6mm just to get accustomed with the scale and have a go at painting both uniformed and non-uniformed minis.

For my next Project I’ll be taking on the Early Napoleonic Period specifically the conflicts between the various different forms of France vs the Glorious Holy Roman Empire aka The Austrians, with some Russians thrown in towards the end when I get towards the final goal of a 6mm Austerlitz.

I’ve decided on Blucher as a system partly because I think the 75mm Square Bases are pretty cool and partly because it let’s me play those really massive games but scales down to also let me do some smaller stuff as well.

There’s a few ways I could base my minis so let’s take a look at some I found online.

Two 30x60mm bases front to backTwo 30x60mm bases front to back

This is probably the most sensible way to do it. It allows better representation of mixed Brigades, let’s me split them up for other games and makes storage/transport easier.

But I just don’t like it, I want the Massive Effect that a single large base gives, at 6mm Scale I want to see some grand armies on the table not a compromise.

The Three Battalion LineThe Three Battalion Line

Much better but it looks a little thin. The Austrians are always said to have these giant Battalions and this doesn’t really look right.

On that point yes the Austrians did have bigger Battalions than the French did (1080 – 840) they only outnumbered a British battalion by a whopping 80 men and the British never get a reputation of having giant Battalions.

Ah Perfection!Ah Perfection!

This is how I’m going to base my minis although seeing as the Austrians did like their Skirmishers I’ll replace the Generals with some Skirmishers and move the Officers to the rear/middle/side at random.

For Miniatures my only real option is Irregular Miniatures through Eureka Miniatures here in Australia. I picked them up for my ACW stuff and while not the best they’re still great. Ordering from overseas right now looks a little risky and I’ll likely be moving around a bit in the next few months and redirecting a parcel is a giant pain in the butt.

6mm Austrians from Irregular Miniatures Website6mm Austrians from Irregular Miniatures Website

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If you havent seen them the Napoleonic close order infantry from Irregular are very close . Touching shoulder to shoulder if I remember correctly

Looking forward to see how it comes along

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