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Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

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Milestone 2 complete

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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  1. Well its done, a week post the OTT lads but I started later so I let myself  off.

1x  Imperial Commander as below  done

4 x Men at Arms as below done

12 x Steel legion Done

Now these got done two diferent ways, the 1st batch of 6 were base coated in GW contrast corax white as the base but the 2nd batch I went for GW Leadbelter as the base as having watched Justins update on the weekender it looked easier and it was,  so ‘When Justins right he’s right’ held sway here.



Militia BowmenMilitia Bowmen
Milestone 2 complete
Lloydy shotLloydy shot
Steel Legion.Steel Legion.
Lloydt shot part deuxLloydt shot part deux
Milestone 2 in total.Milestone 2 in total.

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