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Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

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A little light Conversion

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I may have mentioned my little (hah) sojourn into the World of conquest started with the 2 player starter set ( yes I have done some Spires but that will be another project). The bulk of the figures for the 100 Kingdoms are the men at arms, this set I believe before the use of standards so the extra sprue with replacement arms for Standard and Leader were not part of set. From my previous entries you can see I have only 4 figures left , but I held off as wanted to do  command group . I had already cut out the standard from the foil off a wine bottle (please note I had to work hard drinking various wines to find just the right bit of foil!).

So how to mount it( que @warzan inuendo) Now I could have used the Gerry method of searching through various boxes for the collections of spears I have acquired over the years  but am not as organised as Gerry (plus one house move since) so have only a vague idea of which they are in and an even vaguer idea of where the box is, so the project was put on hold till I found time to look for them.

This was till.last night when whilst checking another wine bottle for suitable foil I had a bright idea! ( stop screaming everyone)

I remembered that the militia figures had the options for either pole arm or bows, I have built one unit of boes and one polearm from the wave one box so had 3 sprues of spare pole arms. There for I removed one from the sprue snipping it of at the wrist smoothing of the polearm to make it a simple spear. I then cut of the sword hand from one of the men at arms arms!

It was then a simple matter to stick the new hand and pole to arm. The now removed sword was then carved to remove the hand leaving the hilt, and one side of the sword flattened out to make a sheived sword.

A little light Conversion

Allowing a couple of hours for the new hand to bond to the arm  I then made the cross piece for the standard  this was the nobbly bit of the bottom of one spare polearm stuck on the end of another bottom half of a pole arm.

A little light Conversion

The rest of the conversion was simple , for the command figures I did away with the bulky sheilds and used two spare Knight Shields and two spare helms to finish off a fairly simple conversion . (I know have plans for the spare sheilds from the militia.

A little light Conversion
A little light Conversion
A little light Conversion

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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic idea, well executed.

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