Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist
Beavering Away to Finish Another Mini
It bears repeating that I think Oathsworn make some of the nicest resin models I’ve ever worked with. The mold lines are minimal and usually easy to deal with, details are crisp and well delineated, and I think I can count the total number of air bubbles I’ve had to contend with on one hand. Add in the amazing work the Lovejoys do sculpting these little beings with such character and you have a fun miniature to paint. The Beaver Mercenary was especially so. I seem to have a soft spot in my painter’s heart for the big minis as I have painted a number of them. I still have a raptor waiting as well. The bad news is that I am running out of unpainted B&B minis but the good news is Oathsworn have announced an upcoming Kickstart campaign that will probably crash right through my will power.
Now, if I could just play the game to see if I like it as much as the minis…
As a Canuck, I can say with certainty that’s one mean looking beaver! Another showpiece!
…and you will definitely like the game as much as the minis. Campaigns doubly so.
Thanks for the compliment. I’m quite looking forward to the new rules additions. They look interesting and I love a good campaign system.
Absolutely beautiful. You take miniature painting to a stupendously high level… ???