Lupa15's Privateer Press Special Edition Miniatures
Minicrate #34 Issyria, Sibyl of Dusk
This past weekend I need to change things up a bit and finish a miniature instead of continuing the work on the Blade Coven.
So while not exactly blending on the miniature itself I used multiple mixtures to slowly build up to a lighter color on the dress fabric.
Base the dress with 50/50 mixture of Citadel Screamer Pink and Citadel Pink Horror.
Use a 2 part to 1 part mixture of Citadel Pink Horror and Screamer Pink to leave the previous mixture in the recesses.
Use a 3 part to 1 part mixture of Citadel Pink Horror and Screamer Pink on a smaller area than the previous mixture.
Focusing more on highlighting the folds and raised edges of the dress use pure Citadel Pink Horror.
As a highlight use a 50/50 mixture of Citadel Pink Horror and Citadel Emperors Children
Base the hair with 50/50 mixture of Citadel Screamer Pink and Citadel Pink Horror.
Highlight the strands of hair with Citadel Pink Horror.
On the sharpest edges of the hair highlight them with a 50/50 mixture of Citadel Pink Horror and Citadel Emperors Children.
Base the jacket with Citadel Corvus Black before washing with Citadel Nuln Oil.
Use a 50/50 mixture of Citadel Eshin Grey and Citadel Corvus Black to highlight various sharp edges on the jacket.
Use pure Citadel Eshin Grey to highlight the sharpest edges of the jacket leaving a lot of the previous mixture visible.
Base the metal coat lining with a Citadel Leadbelcher before washing with Citadel Nuln Oil.
Highlight the coat lining with Citadel Iron Breaker.
Base the skin with a few thin coats of Citadel Kislev Flesh over a white/grey basecoat
Leaving the Citadel Kislev Flesh in the recesses layer a mixture of Citadel Kislev Flesh and Citadel Pallid Wych Flesh onto the skin.
Highlight the skin with a 2 part mixture of Citadel Pallid Wych Flesh to 1 part Citadel Kislev Flesh
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