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I’m too Hexy for this post

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Project Entry by holly Cult of Games Member

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I’m too Hexy for this post

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 13
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With the two halves properly dried and very sturdy, it’s time to start working on details.

The arena is going to be multi-purpose. I’ll be using it for WarCry, Warhammer underworlds (especially 4 player match ups), Super Fantasy Brawl and well – anything that takes my fancy!

To that end, 60mm hexes needed to be made to pave the floor of the arena, I made a template in Inkscape and then printed a dozen or so sheets and spray adhesived them to cardboard. Cereal packets and those cardboard Amazon envelopes work well.

I cut out all the hexagons by hand and round the edges so they’d sit like slabs.

Glued down with PVA wood glue, they form a really versatile and distinctive arena floor.


I’m too Hexy for this post

The image above shows everything glued down with a few sprays of black, grey and white. I’ll get onto the other details and priming in subsequent posts.

At this point, I’m really pleased with how it is coming together.

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