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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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Jen Erso and more objectives

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Ive finally managed to paint up Jen Erso. I bought her back in 2018 at Salute, so she have been in my shame pile a long time.

Ive always been afraid to paint her, but when i first started it turned out really great.

I started priming her AP Uniform Grey.

Pants :VJ German Grey, drybrushed AP Uniform Grey. I painted the straps with AP uniform Grey. and washed with GW Nuln Oil. I then highlighted the straps with AP Uniform Grey

Leather west, belt, and Shoes: VJ Chocolate Brown for the brown parts, AP Plate Mail Metal for some parts on the belt. There is little part of the shoes, i painted AP Uniform Grey. All of it was washed with GW Arthrax Earthshade.

Shirt: AP Greenskin, and some sewing was painted AP Skeleton Bones, and washed in GW Nuln Oil.

Gloves: AP Leather Brown, washed with GW Nuln Oil

Skin: Two thin coats of AP Elven Flesh, and then a ligh GW Reikland Flesh Shade

Hair: AP Leather Brown, washed with Arthrax Earthshade

Gun: 1:1 VJ German Grey and Gunmetal grey, dry brushed with AP Plate Mail metal, and then washed in GW Nuln Oil.

Stick: Half of it was painten VJ German Grey, and the other half AP Plate Mail metal, washed whole thing in GW Nuln oil.

Scarf: VJ German grey, drybrushed with AP Uniform Grey and washed with GW Nuln Oil

And thats basically it, she turned out really great, as you can see in the pics bellow. Looking forward to try her out in battle, even though she should be a trickery commander to master.


Jen Erso and more objectives
Jen Erso and more objectives
Jen Erso and more objectives
Jen Erso and more objectives
Jen Erso and more objectives

More objektives

I painted up the 3 com stations. It was again a very base paint job, a lot like the barricades.

I primed them AP Mat Black, drybrushed it with AP Plate Mail Metal, washed it with GW Nuln oil, painted up the bottoms and cables with AP Voideshield blue, and AP Pure Red.

Think they turned out okay 🙂

Jen Erso and more objectives

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