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Small is the new big

Small is the new big

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Can't wait, got to paint!

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 7
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After printing, giving it a good bath and a very, very quick blast with a UV light, just enough to take away the softness of the outer layer of the print, I was ready to paint. Once I saw the model I just had to paint it.

So I sat down for the evening and went for it, just like to point out this was my first time painting anything at 10mm scale! and I loved it. I really do now know why Warren loves the smaller scales! I used a mixture of contrast paints and normal paints to get what I was wanting (again first time really using contrast paints).


I used a piece of art for Konrad from Warhammer fantasy as the inspiration, as the model is clearly based off of it!

Can't wait, got to paint!

After a few hours of painting and catching up with the latest Cog Radio show, this is what I have to show for my efforts! I will say I am extremely proud of what I have achieved considering it is my first time painting at this scale. I looks exactly how I imagined it to be. So  I will definitely be doing some more of these as time goes on.



And here are some fancy pictures

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Cool project! I will definitely be following this!

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