The War Betwixt the Yankees and the Americans
Finished the Army for Now
I decided to finally upload these pics and wrap the project up for now.
Two forces done, 20ish Infantry, 8 Cavalry and 10+ Guns per side all painted and base.
I’m glad I picked the ACW for my first go at ACW, I wanted to compare uniforms v no uniforms to see what was more fun to paint and what looked better.
For me it’s definitely uniforms and my next project in 6mm will be Napoleonics most likely Peninsular just because it’s what I know.
Massive thanks to everyone for their support and for all the help.
looks epic in 6mm confirming a theory I had…..
Funny I have stood behing the wall in our project main picture a few years back, even with the town having built up
almost to the site , makes you think, bit of a climb with out rifle , pack and full kit, and nobody shooting at me.