Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame
COGs only gifting chain
This is the model @horati0nosebl0wer sent me as part of the COGs only gifting chain (https://www.beastsofwar.com/forums/topic/cogs-only-gifting-chain/).
The model arrived undercoated black with a white zenith.
I started by applying basecoats using contrast paints. Wyldwood for the skin (I wanted the model to look like a wooden dryad), warp lightning for the dress, militarum green for the boots and vambraces, skeleton horde for the staff, darkoath flesh for the rocks on the base volupus pink for the head dress and basilicanum grey for the dagger.
I drybrushed the base and staff with tyrant skull, the greens with hellion green, the head dress with changeling pink and the dagger with necron compound.
The eyes were painted vomit brown, trying to give the appearance of amber. The skin was highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.
The crystals on the base and staff were painted wraithbone and then with aethermatic blue.
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