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The Thin Beige Line

The Thin Beige Line

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B1 ‘Gamma Squad’

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 13
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The final unit to receive their markings has been dubbed ‘Gamma Squad’.

B1 ‘Gamma Squad’
B1 ‘Gamma Squad’

Gamma squad has been given the same load out as Ecco squad, having the option of fielding either of the standard B1 heavy weapons. This gives me some flexibility within these units, while the first three squads have more defined roles

Gamma’s green markings were painted with Vallejo Luftwaffe Camo Green.

My B1’s were almost completed. I just needed to give each of the units a coat of Army Painter Soft Tone Wash, which would further bring out the detail and tone down the squad markings. As a matter of course I also give all of my gaming miniatures a coat of Vallejo Matt Varnish to even out the finish and protect the paint beneath.

B1 ‘Gamma Squad’

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