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Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

Mercian Knights on the Conquest Trail

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Once upon a time in Mercia

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I like many have been thinking about the background for my little band. I am continuing with the idea of it being in the Kingdom of Mercia, with Knightly retinues , but as I painted up the 1st few Mercinary  crossbowmen and looked at the boxes  of militia the style of their helmets and armour reminded me a lot of a certain aurthors book covers. so…….


King(nee patrician)dom of Mercia

Mercia is an unusual kingdom it that it does not have a current King and has not had one for a couple of hundred years. Their last king has developed  certain  historical notoriety for being beheaded by his own people for being a murderous prat….. Even more scandalously than that, it was at the hands of outraged nobles,  but was that man who removed him and the man holding the axe was a lowly member of the City Militia.

Since then it has been ruled by a Patrician who is in theory is voted into office  by the major noble families of the Kingdom , (on the understanding that on the whole they will retain a considerable amount of Autonomy in their own fiefdoms) and the City Guilds of the kingdoms main settlement. This is City Known thoughout the 100 Kingdom’sand beyond is the(in)famous center of  Mercian power, the twin named city of Cross Lesbeuf , as in Lesbeuf on the River Cross. This rapidly expanding city straddles both sides of the river and is becoming the center of trade and commerce for not not only the kingdom but of the whole province.

For 15 years the Patrician’s post has been held by Lord Doctorini, an amazingly long  period in the post  as most of his predecessors have suffered as series of unfortunate accidents within a few years of becoming Patrician. Doctorini’s has managed an amazing longevity in the post which can not be said for most of his rivals and critics  which it must be noted have suffered  a similar set of unfortunate accidents incidents which again it must be noted have trailed off over the last 5 years, It must also be noted though possibly  a coincidence  hat the City Assassins guild has had a noticeable drop in members.

The city is fairly cosmopolitan in makeup with small bands of most races and cultures can be found in its various enclaves all seem to get on fairly amicably with the Patrician Saviouz Faire approach to city life, though this is not without some disquiet from the more traditional ruling class, though they have politely not made much issue with it ever Since Lord Rancid’s unfortunate accident with a snake pit.

Over the period of the Patricians rule open conflict with its neighbours has been actively avoided , diplomacy, bribery , negotiation etc have been the main tools of state, based on the idea whatever is lost through above can be sto…negotiated back at a later date. The merchants guild  merely viewed the average attacking army  as potential customers rather than antagonists using the parlance

‘No visitor to Cross Lebuef should leave with more in their pockets than they entered.’

As such it armed force has been pretty much left up to the noble lords to organised, tending to be feudal in nature organised more for defence against Nord raiders than anything.

With the rising threat of the Spires and the Dweghorn the Patrician has  ‘asked’the various guild leaders to organise armed militias from within their guilds (most only too willing to avoid accidentally feeding the the cities snake population) Militia’s which can in emergencies  be added to the forces provided by the province’s Lords.

Trained by the small core of the  City watch and often used in civil emergencies they are noted for their enthusiasm if not  always their professionalism (particularly the butcher’s guild).

In addition the Patrician is not above hiring mercenary units though preferring to hire units that are home grown . These more often than not comprise of ex local lads  made good.

Lad’s who went off looking for adventure ,learning  a dishonest trade  civilising and bringing ‘peace’to savage people’s and helping to ‘redistribute’ the wealth of less developed lands .

The reader must not openly mention that said Mercanary bands seem to have left said lands noticibly leaner in population and in wealth , nor should it be mentioned that much of said re distribution of wealth goes in paying their expenses , not unless said  reader wants to have an unfortunate accident with a Axe or crossbow bolt.


Some may have noticed I have plagiarized from as certain authors novels which may become more apparent as the project develops


Once upon a time in Mercia

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