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The Thin Beige Line

The Thin Beige Line

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B1 ‘Security Squad’

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 13
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The next squad to get their markings will include the B1 Security Droid upgrade. This droid allows the unit to which he is assigned, to override their AI programming, should the situation call for it.

To reflect the security droids presence this units markings will be red, as is the Star Wars convention for security droids. I have used GW Evil Sunz Scarlet for the markings. 

B1 ‘Security Squad’
B1 ‘Security Squad’

As the B1 security droid occupies the personnel slot, this unit will be fielded at full strength. This slightly larger unit size and the benefit the Security droid brings, means Delta are an obvious choice for front line work. I have tried to select poses that reflect their mobile deployment.

B1 ‘Security Squad’
B1 ‘Security Squad’

I have assigning this squad the standard E-5C but have also given them the option of fielding the Radiation Cannon. 

B1 ‘Security Squad’

The Radiation Cannon is the most expensive weapon available to the B1’s, and also has the shortest range! The security droids presence offers me the best chance of deploying this weapon successfully. His ability will allow me to advance the unit into radiation cannon range, before the units AI programming kicks in and causes them to fire their standard weaponry.

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