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Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

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I lost my mojo

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 8

Well, I had a very slow quarter. In August and September I only pulled two models off. Among kids and wife around 24/7 and a university course I enrolled to, I had very little time, but what actually killed my fun was that model bellow. When I was painting her she looked ok, I was happy, but the photos show all the shortcomings and really broke my resolve to paint more. I think I lose eyesight faster than before.

That being said, I like the model very much, I actually printed her again to repaint under better circumstances.

To double-check on my abilities, I then did a fast job on that one, which only proved my burnout was a real thing.

EDIT: I forgot about one more painted around the same time as the other two.

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Cult of Games Member

I know when I loose my mojo I watch some movies for me it’s samurai films . Maybe watch some sci-fi that might help.

Cult of Games Member

I hate burn out but it happens for a reason. I find I get it back when I am not trying to get it back anymore. These all do look great though!

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