Klorophil's Warhammer Armies
Painting the armor.
So the basecoat was done. The Nuln Oil toned down the blue pretty heavily so I needed to bring that up. Always following the same principle of quick and easy, I decided on drybrushing the whole lot.
I used my wet palette to do that and a stiff bristled square brush. I didn’t invest in a good one, simply the cheapest one I could find at my art store and that was the right size. I put all my colors on the wet palette. Those were Cygnar Blue Base, Cygnar Highlight and Frostbite.
All from Privateer Press Paints, P3. I find those paints better for coloring. They have the right texture right out of the pot. They may not cover as good as Citadel’s Base paints, but I much prefer painting two coats than having a paint that is too thick and that would obscure some details.
I used the wet palette to gradually mix those three paints together. It also left me with my previous colors for edge highlighting. I used a mix of 25% Cygnar Blue Highlight and 75% Frostbite for that. I then made a second pass with the same mixture but with Menoth White Highlight added. This pushed the saturation way up and kind of cleaned my mistakes a little bit by steering the eye away from them.
Drybrushing can make color transitions a bit harsh. Also, you can kinda see the brush strokes in certain parts. That was taken care of with a glaze of Citadel Gulliman Blue Glaze. I used it pure. In retrospect, maybe I should have thinned it down a bit as it darkened the model a bit too much. I’m still quite pleased with the final result that you can see below. A squad of 5 Intercessors took maybe 30 minutes to do, excluding the Wash and Glaze drying time.
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