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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Kingdom Death Monster Antelope Armour Survivors

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Kingdom Death Monster Antelope Armour Survivors

Once again I painted this set to match the monster that their armour is tied to. In this case that meant painting the leather rhinox hide, highlighted by doombull brown followed by tuskgor fur.


The fur was painted mournefang brown and then highlighted skrag brown followed by deathclaw brown.


The bone and horns were painted baneblade brown and then highlighted rakarth flesh followed by flayed one flesh.


One of the survivors is suffering from the King’s curse and their head has grown a Regal Helmet. This is painted bugman’s glow and then highlighted auric armour gold followed by liberator gold.

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