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A journey into the old world WAAAAGH

A journey into the old world WAAAAGH

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Where it all begins.

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Idea 12
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There was a time long ago (roughly twenty years ago) when I was wide eyed little snot and I stepped foot into Games Workshop in Newcastle after being shown a game of Gorkamorka by my Geography teacher. I left with both my first copy of White Dwarf and my first game of 40k under my belt.

From that day the grimdarkness of the 41st Millennium became one of my favorite science fiction franchises and I because a loyal son of Baal since the very beginning. But there was always something niggling at me, telling me that I was missing something and it took me until after I walked away from the hobby due to life getting in the way, other hobbies and struggling to find people to play with.

That niggling feeling was warhammer fantasy. Dispite my love of sci-fi with its giant robots, power armour, spaceships and laser swords. Even though I had never really been into my elves, wizards and dragons. But after hearing of the death of Warhammer Fantasy I wished that I had also taken a stroll through the old world those many years ago.

Fast forward to the beginning 2017 when I had had returned to the hobby to help me deal with the after effects of a medical emergency, I found a local club to play at so I dusted off my Blood Angels and rolled some dice once more!

Then we fast forward (again!) to a fortnight ago while rummaging through my old collection of stuff I discovered a metal miniature of Grimgor Ironhide and 15 orc boyz! I didn’t have a clue where or when I had aquired them. All of the miniatures on my shelves are sci-fi such as 40k, Infinity, Battletech, Mercs and some Anvil Industry miniatures. So I decided to and some fantasy to the collection upon my shelves..

These are the orc miniatures I'd found and quickly realized that they're going to need some work.These are the orc miniatures I'd found and quickly realized that they're going to need some work.

I was pretty happy with the result of Grimgor so I decided to begin scouring eBay for more boyz to join him, but something changed.

That something will be for my next entry ?

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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations your figures are looking brilliant @deathwig

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