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Rohan Army build

Rohan Army build

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Ankle biter Rohan Update

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So got these guys finally done!  Had to add shields to Eomer and the mounted Eorl the Young.  Had to cast Eorls shield with the blue stuff.  A little thick but it works for me.  Eomer shields are old Warhammer fantasy dwarf shields that I used the Bretonian unicorn transfer sheets on again.  The next part of this project is the Sons of Eorl squadron of 11 models.  Probably not going to get to those guys anytime soon as I’m getting distracted and kind of burnt out on Rohan.

My distraction is my Last Alliance Army project.  Will start a new project with my Last Alliance Army build.    Of course im also distracted by my Arnor Battle Company I started! ?  Will include them in the Last Alliance project!

Ankle biter Rohan Update
Ankle biter Rohan Update
Ankle biter Rohan Update

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