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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Live Stream Sunday 7PM UK / 2PM ET - Letters of Marque

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I’m re-awakening this thread to track and announce tabletop games run over the web for members of our community.

In our continuing effort to get more pirate-themed content out to everyone, we’re hosting another live game of Letters of Marque, trying out a new faction and also SHORE FORTIFICATIONS.

In this scenario, we’ll see how a small French flotilla deals with a pirate stronghold, with shore-based fortifications guarding their hidden lair. Can the local French marquis tame this stretch of the Caribbean?

We hope to see some of you there!

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The map for today's game - A French frigate and barque up against a Pirate fort and two sloops.The map for today's game - A French frigate and barque up against a Pirate fort and two sloops.

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