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Civs Foray into Orky 40k

Civs Foray into Orky 40k

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Painting the Waaagh!

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Painting the Waaagh!

I’ve managed to paint 30 boys, 4 nobz and 2 warbosses so far (the one in the main picture was painted for my brother many many years ago).

These have all been painted to a tabletop standard just to get them ready for the crusade game. The final step is a coat of army painter dark tone dip which makes them very durable but also very shiny which you’ll see in the pictures.

The plan is to spray them all with a Matt varnish once the basing is done to remove the shine. I’d like to also go back and add in some highlights once the whole force is painted to this standard but that may be a way down the line.

I’ve kept to the same few colours on all the orks And tried to make the most of the black undercoat to save on time. This has led to a fairly dark army primarily black and red. The idea is to lighten this up with highlights to make the models pop more.

Overall I’m pretty pleased with the progress so far. I should be painting the Mek gunz or the Kommandos but seem to have started on the mega nobz. Oops!

Painting the Waaagh!

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