Civs Foray into Orky 40k
Basing, basing and basing
Unlike Warren basing has always been something I’ve been scared of doing as it can make or break a model and once you’ve done it you have to do it for your whole army.
After some research I’ve taken the dive and am starting simple with some grey wasteland with some bits of debris and rock to break up the bases.
After a suggestion from a friend I’ve purchased vallejo grey pumice as the base material, to which I’ll add some 3d printed bits and some GW 40k basing material from probably a decade ago.
I’m going to paint these with a dark blue and add splashes of ink/wash to make the base more interesting and colourful. So watch this space for some actual painted examples.
Basing part 2 is realising that the basing convention has changed a little bit since assault on black reach. Turns out 32mm is the new 25mm. Rebasing 90 orks isn’t going to happen but I’m going to rebase the nobz as they really dont fit on 25mm bases.
Incomes part 3, I have a resin 3d printer so that’s now my go to for any bases I need these days (if I dont have them in my bitz box already). I’m using a magnetic sheet transport system so having ferrous bases is a real plus. All this means I’ve designed a 32mm base that holds (very snuggly) a 2p piece which the nobz have now been based on.
New basing requirements? Check
Magnetic bases? Check
Basing idea? Check
Now I just need to get on with it!
As an added basing benefit, the GW Basing pieces I’ve got represent most armies in the 40k universe do I’m going to paint the helmets of fallen warriors in the colours of those armies I come up against in our crusades campaign.
The big Ork below is sporting a SoB helmet on his base, a hint as to how their first game went against my friends SoB army.
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