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Irish SAGA

Irish SAGA

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1 full point of Irish levy. ?

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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1 full point of Irish levy. ?

Moving on to using spare Gripping Beast Vikings to make some Irish Hearthguard minis and another point of Wargames Atlantic Irish Warriors.



1 Druid (Wargames Atlantic, WA)

1 handler and 8 wardogs (WA)

1 unit of warriors (8 minis – 4 WA and 4 Wargames Factory)

1 warlord / hero (metal Footsore with WA dogs)

1 unit of levy (12 minis, all WA)


1 point of warriors (8 WA minis)

1 point of Hearthguard (4 Gripping Beast minis)


The shield design on the last guy looks a little aboriginal looking in the end, but I like it. The shield design on the last guy looks a little aboriginal looking in the end, but I like it.

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