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Gaz'ork'as - A Gorkamorka Project, ... or better a Gorka Project

Gaz'ork'as - A Gorkamorka Project, ... or better a Gorka Project

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Bonus Round part 2

Tutoring 19
Skill 19
Idea 19
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Here the step-by-step guide how i painted the truck:

I started with a base-coat of leadbelcher, then a coat of nuln oil, and dry-brushed with ironbreaker.

Over this AK interactive light rust enamel wash (use glooves). When dried, i use the AK white spirit to wash this. The rust will flow in the corners and a light patina will remain. When the result is sticky, i use vallejo premium matt varnish for this. Over this AK interactive light rust enamel wash (use glooves). When dried, i use the AK white spirit to wash this. The rust will flow in the corners and a light patina will remain. When the result is sticky, i use vallejo premium matt varnish for this.
When dried, i drybrush the this very lightly with a ironbreaker. When dried, i drybrush the this very lightly with a ironbreaker.
Same for the top part.Same for the top part.
I painted then the other parts of the top part with averland sunset.I painted then the other parts of the top part with averland sunset.
The yellow parts i washed with a thinned contrast Iyanden yellow.The yellow parts i washed with a thinned contrast Iyanden yellow.
When dried i added more colours like red and blue on some sufaces and when the contrast is shiny, use a matt varnish again. When dried i added more colours like red and blue on some sufaces and when the contrast is shiny, use a matt varnish again.
Now for the rust. I use a mix of red brown as a basis and used a blister foam to apply it on the yellow part. Don't be afraid for the metal part. More is better. Apply especially on the raised surfaces. Then ironbreaker metal, but concentrate more on the edges.. Now for the rust. I use a mix of red brown as a basis and used a blister foam to apply it on the yellow part. Don't be afraid for the metal part. More is better. Apply especially on the raised surfaces. Then ironbreaker metal, but concentrate more on the edges..
Done. Now added more details. Done. Now added more details.
Then i glued the lower and top part together. The driver and gunner were painted separatly.Then i glued the lower and top part together. The driver and gunner were painted separatly.

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Cult of Games Member

Looks like Great progress on the project Andre.

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