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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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55 MTG: Kerub and Moor Troll

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11
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I’ve not got much painting done as I’ve offered to DM for my friends and I haven’t done any roleplay since 3.5 ed so thats a lot of reading and learning to be done.  We start sunday so fingers crossed its not a horiffic mess.

Since I found I can do my planning by watching youtube videos while I paint I’ve gotten 2 models finished and built a few more.  I’ve one more week at work, then I have a week all to myself.  I plan on painting all my Slaanesh then so I’m busy getting them built, based and primed before then.

Here we have Kerub the Armoured Griffon by Cadwallon miniatures.  She’s my second of their models and my second miscast.  The first had huge mold slip I had to fight against and lacked pegs due to where they had placed the vents.  This is easier to work with but far more pronounced.  You see that tail?  Its got a flat underside where it is supposed to rest on the base.  is it resting on the base?  Is it anywhere near the fudging base?  You could park 2 cars in that gap!

I didn’t enjoy this model much.  Limbs and wings were in the way at all times, but really wanted to be attached before painting.  I kept getting paint in the wrong places and nothing quite worked as it should, even if ive gotten it to work well in the past.  He looks OK now he’s done though, but not my finest.

I need a better method of painting white wings.  If anyone has any guides please share some links.  These are functional but I wish to do better next time.

I also painted Reapers Moor Troll, which I won from Monkeys With Fire earlier this year in the Before Times (Stay Inside!  Do not think about The Event!)

The Slaanesh half of Wrath and Rapture assembled and based and drying, ready for priming tomorrow while I listen to Gerry and Tim call people rude words but its OK because it's all unofficialThe Slaanesh half of Wrath and Rapture assembled and based and drying, ready for priming tomorrow while I listen to Gerry and Tim call people rude words but its OK because it's all unofficial
I also assembled my 3D printed Amazons by Titan Forge for Bloodfields.  A little green stuff was needed and is drying before I tidy it up.  I still need to print them some basesI also assembled my 3D printed Amazons by Titan Forge for Bloodfields. A little green stuff was needed and is drying before I tidy it up. I still need to print them some bases
While I wait on lots of long drying times on the Slaanesh I've grabbed a light model to work on.  The Chillcon 2019 event exclusive model: Hecate, the Goddess of Magic & WitchcraftWhile I wait on lots of long drying times on the Slaanesh I've grabbed a light model to work on. The Chillcon 2019 event exclusive model: Hecate, the Goddess of Magic & Witchcraft

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