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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Making Heroes more heroic!

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
When we first started playing we found that the heroes looked a little weird on their own on a four man base so a talented friend of mine designed a single base to make them a little more heroic. There are rules now to add retinues but great if you plan to run the hero soloWhen we first started playing we found that the heroes looked a little weird on their own on a four man base so a talented friend of mine designed a single base to make them a little more heroic. There are rules now to add retinues but great if you plan to run the hero solo

So after drybrushing brain matter beige, 50/50 dark tone/ medium wash and a search through my selection of basing materials and its done!

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hazyboy75supahamsta Recent comment authors
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This is fantastic, not just from the hobbying point of view, but I’ve been trying to work out if heros had their own stand, or displaced a trooper on a regiment stand. This clears things up nicely, but now I need to order more stands, as the 2p set doesn’t come with them for the heros.

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