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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Turn 5

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Break through in the centreBreak through in the centre

After two turns of indecisive dice rolls, this one was a massive change. The centre melee was decided (so far) in the Covenanter’s favour with two English foot units routing off the field and the Highlanders moving into position to mop up the stragglers.  They can also swing round to take on the lighter cavalry should their moral hold up.

This did however, open up targets for the artillery, although their shots were off target and caused no problems to anyone.

On the Scottish right the small field guns were able to negotiate themselves onto the flank of the English light cavalry and a succession of good throws decimated two of the squadrons.  The next turn could still go either way, but the advantage now appears to be with the Scots.

On the other wing  things remain unclear, although the English should have some advantage with their Heavy cavalry about to run down the Scottish P&S units, and their Trotters in good position to beat the Scottish force.

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