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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Turn 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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General advance across the lineGeneral advance across the line

The mechanism to move is based on the Bolt Action dice principle, but with some modification.  Rather than each unit having a dice, only the commanders have them, but they have a different number of possible orders based on their status. The C-in-C gets 3 dice, the sub-commanders 2 each and each artillery base has one as well. The rationale (such as it is) is that at the time units did not act independently (unlike, say, in WW2) so would act on direct commands. Also I wanted to get away from the IGO-UGO type of play (although this may well be a better option – I’ll see).

The additional “fog of war” is a further two black dice in the bag. After the second one is drawn out, irrespective of how many orders have been given, the turn ends. So Commanders have a dilemma. When your army dice is drawn, which commander gets to act, and once the first Black dice is drawn, each order after this might be the last.

As it happened this turn there were only 2 “dead” order dice remaining. As the image shows, there was slow advance across the line. Both armies coming into range of Foot units.

Both advanced P&S have opened fire at distance and are marked with “Reload” markers. The English force was particularly successful and caused two casualty markers on two of the Covenanter units. (Each casualty marker increases the moral test by +1, so a normal 7+ for Trained troops becomes 8+ etc.) Three casualty markers = Rout. A casualty marker is added if a unit takes THREE hits from one attack and fails the Saving Throw on a 4+.

The English have come out to meet the Scots rather than be pinned on the back of the table, and both Cavalry groups have advanced to within charge distance.  The Scots lancers are also in a position to charge on their Right, but on the Scottish left wing, the English heavy cavalry look about to over run the P&S units. (Note: Cavalry can not charge Steady Pike block, so some softening up will be required first).

On to Turn 2

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