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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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All that Basing and painting - what was it for?

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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As Gerry alluded to in his kind commentary on my project challenge, I still have quite a few units to finish off. Together with houses, trees, rivers, roads etc. (You know the drill).

But the point was to create a game that I could play with my young son (10 yo) and also to have a more complex game for me to play solo. So what will follow shortly will be a first play through of the simple rules below.

The Rules

The core rules are based on a combination of Principles of War: Renaissance, Give no Quarter, and some things lifted from more recent rule sets.

I’m toying with using the Bolt Action dice mechanism, but restricting this to the number of sub commanders, and the artillery.  This may seem odd or daft, and we will soon see if I really am off my head.  But my thinking is that in a “normal” sized battle, there is likely to be 18+ units on the table and at the time, these would ONLY act according to the relevant commander. This may require additional sub-commanders.

So, each army will comprise three distinct groups. e.g. Right wing, Centre, Left wing (or Vanguard, Main force, and Rear guard) PLUS the artillery.  Typically then, 3-5 dice, but if sub-commanders used, this could double the number of dice, which may be better.

In addition, I’ll add an extra 2 Black dice. When the second one is drawn, the turn ends. So there is an element of uncertainty in whether or not you’ll get to move/act with all your units each turn.

Otherwise, a commander can instruct his group to Move, Move & Fire, Fire, Rally, Re-load, or Ambush.

Pike & Shot Units fire to hit 4+ on 6 dice. (7 dice if first volley). Once fired unit has a reload marker and loses the extra dice unless they use a turn to reload. NO saving throws.

Morale will typically be based on quality of troop (as in BA): Raw <7; Trained <8; Veteran <9.  Officer within 6″ increase by 1. (e.g. Trained would pass with 9).  Morale taken on any Hit.  If one attack produces 4+ hits a casualty marker is placed which reduces moral by 1 per marker (THREE markers = unit routs).  A marker can be removed on a Rally order.

Units become disordered when they suffer 2 casualty markers OR lose a melee fight, OR cross uneven ground.

Movement relatively slow (as per the time). P&S unit 6″ (9″ if “run”). Cavalry 12″ (18″ if “run”). Artillery is fixed once placed (so careful placement is important).

Melee decided by unit. P&S 6 dice; Cavalry 6 dice vs. Cavalry; They can NOT charge steady troops, only disordered.

This is the basic ideas. We’ll see if it works!

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