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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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Battle Report Final Thoughts

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With their overall commander gone, the two M901’s and two M1A1HC’S , still facing overwhelming numbers really had no option but to fall back.

Its a moot point if the M901’s could have escaped the avenging company of T55’S  but I reckoned Keithsoloplos would want to re group.

Butchers Bill


2x M1A1HC’S

1x M1

4x LAV- 75 assault guns

2x M901’s

3x HMMV’s


2X T64’s

5x T72M’S

3x BMP-2’S

3x Spandrels


So virtually the same in lost vehicles but the Volgans way a head on points.

For the Dunheep campaign the Volgans have chalked up their 1st victory,  a great boost to the morale booster over ther hated Mercian opponents   plus they have gained a central island objective in capturing Bigpaulonople.



FInal thoughts

Now was the game an accurate representation of modern warfare  no in that I limited it for game learning to armour and vehicles, but despite that Team Yankee rules did provide an excellent base and gave a reasonable feel with out a lot of phaffing.  I found the rules index a boon and using it found finding rule queries easy. The unit cards made life easy as well.

I may need to tweet a couple of rules for my amended activation .

I am in two minds at moment as to whether to allow a reserved fire option (on +1 to hit chance) though it rarely came up during game. Also may change the remount time for bailouts.

As for was it fun……….a resounding yes!

Even with the move delays caused by my wanting to write down the moves actions for this report before my aged brain forgot them.

Was I biased to one side  , yes possibly a bit to the Volgans post move 2 as at that point they were getting chewed.

To be fair to the Mercians their initial deployment left them severely out of position   and they may have been able to at least delay the Volgan advance if they had been able to move into the built up area before the Volgans.

The M1A1HC’S were nice  but they took up so much of the 100pts . I probably would only take 1 or 2 in future for either seizing or holding vital areas, and would phaff list out with cheaper M1A1’s or M1’s.

I’d be interested to see what Justin (Captain Alpha strike) would have come up with for Mercians.

For your next thrilling instalments I will have French and more Volgans.

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