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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well fight fans we are at round 5 what was to be the final round.

After rebagging with 4 Green and 6 Red  the writing was on the wall , the Volgans had taken beating getting into position but were at last in potential positions to dish it out. They had already gained most of the objectives that I hadn’t put out (Particularly the cinema it was showing Under Seige and they all wanted to see the cake scene).

1st dice was red which was put on the BMP-2’S,  both had a line of sight on the LAV75 Assault guns  two whooshs but only one dull clang   which was enough to force the crew to bail.

The crew failed to get back in on their activation which was next (May have to amend that rule for bolt action style activations)

So the other opened up on the two T72M’S it could see

The round failed to penetrate  but did force a bail out. Missing the one it clobbered last move.

Next was Red ,I placed it on the T72M’S for what turned out to be the possibly the winning activation.of the game . Managing to keep unit cohesion, one of the bailed out crews got back in.

Two of his compatriots moved on to the hill to engage the Assault guns , the other two swung round to engage the Mercian command tank. It was then that I spotted they had a side shot on the M1A1HC that I had finally managed to get in the woods the previous move. So targets changed . The returned crew opened up on the undamaged LAV 75 AG  blowing it to bits.

Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.

Of the other 4 potential shots  1 engaged the disabled remaining AG   , 2 the Mercian command M1  and one on newly sided exposed sid armour on the M1A1HC’S , the 1st 2 targets were an 4’s to hit and the M1A1HC’S on a 5. I think the Volgans blood was up ( who are you , and what have you done with Bob) as all bit one shot (on the M1) hit. Only the M1 got a saving roll and failed miserably.  As it was the 2nd hit on LAV 25 the firepower check was academic. The rest were 5 and 6 respectively for a dead M1 and M1A1HC.



Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.
Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.

Now to add insult to injury another red came out , which went on the T55’S  , but they could not move far enough on tactical to engage the M901’S.

Next a Green , with no targets from the back of the woods and their overall commander gone  witn no ability to fire on the move  withdrew off table.

Another green and M1A1HC’S also fell back  front to the enemy with the one on the Right firing on the T72M’S dispatching easily its target with one of its 2 shots


Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.

This of course left his turret side exposed to the BMP1’s to his front that his retreat had put him line of site of . These promptly took the opportunity presented , though only on hit  it got the turret for a satisfying bang as can be seen above.

With the Mercian commander dead  there were only Red dice and fot the final action the Volgan Commander and the Remaining T64’S moved forward to exploit their Victory.

Battle Report Move 5 and its all over bar the shouting.

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