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The War Betwixt the Yankees and the Americans

The War Betwixt the Yankees and the Americans

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The 6mm Army So Far

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8

As it stands now I’ve got 20 Infantry Stands, 8 Commander Stands, 4 Artillery with Limbers, 4 Bases of Cavalry with 2 Cavalry Command Bases and a HQ Tent.

I’ve got another 4 Bases of Cavalry to do along with 5 Stands of Dug in Guns to do.

The only major thing I still need to get is a HQ Stand to represent the overall army commander, a few runners, some officers on foot that sort of thing.

The 6mm Army So Far
Infantry or Dismounted Cavalry, basically I had a spare stand of Cavalry and a few sets of Skirmishers that were painted and left overInfantry or Dismounted Cavalry, basically I had a spare stand of Cavalry and a few sets of Skirmishers that were painted and left over
The 6mm Army So Far
The 6mm Army So Far
The 6mm Army So Far
So FarSo Far
The 6mm Army So Far
Some Stands have a proper Flag Command and some are just a Mounted OfficerSome Stands have a proper Flag Command and some are just a Mounted Officer
The 6mm Army So Far
The 6mm Army So Far
The 6mm Army So Far

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torrospslemon Recent comment authors
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Amazing work and detail for such a small scale.

Cult of Games Member

There looking really good now Dylan

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