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Bushido Game board

Bushido Game board

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It is done.

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 11

Finally done.

Things I would have done differently: not put the pond on an edge. This really made it much harder to create a dam to stop the resin from spilling. It ended up doing so a few times and now the last koi is cresting the water a little more than I’d’ve liked and I’m all out of resin. Make sure the dam is waterproof and add glue on the outer edges of the dam. Also, this stuff was easy to use, but expensive. I’d probably use something different next time, now knowing how to pour.
The last layer is also a bit cloudy, probably due to being distracted by my youngest at a critical point. I’m not sure I got the 2 component mixed right.

The next board won’t get such a big structure in the middle. We play that models can easily access the window, but mostly we end up running around it.

It is done.
It is done.
It is done.
It is done.
It is done.
It is done.

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zorgdarkvoivodkharegim Recent comment authors
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What a fantastic look board, you should be well and truly proud of yourself!

Cult of Games Member

Great work on the Japanese garden the zen section is a fabulous edition with the lion statues as door guards @darkvoivod congratulations on the gold button.

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