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The Thin Beige Line

The Thin Beige Line

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Bases - Sand and Stone

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 12
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As I would be matching the bases of the B1’s to the rest of my Legion collection, I already new which paints to use. However as I have been using a sand/pale earth effect, I was a little concerned about how the B1’s tan colour scheme would work. For this reason I decided to tackle the bases next, in case it lead to my making changes to the colour scheme I had in mind.

These are some examples of bases that I have already completed for this force. It is predominantly Armageddon Dust with an Agrax wash and a screaming skull dry brush. The first step is to colour the rocks. For that I use Vallejo German Camo Pale Brown and a decent sized old brush.

Bases - Sand and Stone

This was a very quick step and I had the rocks on all 40 bases painted in about half an hour.

Bases - Sand and Stone

Next up was the Armageddon Dust. This paint requires a good shake at the very least. I tend to use a coffee stirrer to give it a proper mix and ladle a decent sized blob onto my palette. I use an old brush for this as the bristles take a bit of abuse from the fine grains in the paint.

Bases - Sand and Stone

This is a slightly slower step as you need to avoid painting over the feet and rocks or the edges of the base. Once again I worked in batches of eight and found it took around 25-30 minutes to do eight bases. As the first set began to dry I felt relieved to see that the base colour wasn’t going to be too similar to the droid standing on it!

Bases - Sand and Stone

I spread this task over a couple of evenings. Once all 40 bases were done I left them to dry overnight.

Bases - Sand and Stone

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