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More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

More of that Sweet, Sweet Marvel

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Black Dwarf

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Black Dwarf
Black Dwarf

His skin turned out to be a lot easier and quicker than I expected—base of (all Vallejo) 71.032 Golden Brown over Zénithal prime. Wash of 70.939 Smoke (maybe my favorite paint). That was pretty much it. I did throw some highlights on his face and threw thicker coats of Smoke over the knobby bits in his skin. My only concern is that his color palette is close to Groot’s. In time I may go back and lighten him up a bit. Or I may not.
I will say he went from being one of my least favorite of this bunch to—well, not my most favorite but I do like him a lot more than before. He has his own sense of proportion and until he was painted he just fell awkward and out of whack.

He has two glowing purple bits on him (done after the pic was taken) and I did what I should have done on Ronan’s hammer: 72.087 Violet Ink over 71.065 Steel (and make sure the Steel is fully dry before you break out the ink or you’ll have a muddy mess).

Now for the two sisters to finish up the Guardians affiliation and then a wrap up with Thanos.

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