Living Underground Metro2033 Zona Alfa etc
I stumble across Sovietness
I am writing this in reverse, alot of the project I have done and now I am writing it up. Luckily I took alot of pictures.
During covid I read and completed the computer game for Metro 2033 and boy what a world it creates. I then spent many hours trying to find ‘subway systems’ to use as a board. Then something caught my eye as a good piece to initially start with:
Black Sight studio had an stl Soviet Bunker file by an independent creator on their site. I don’t own a 3d printer and was a bit worried as their wording sounded like you cannot get their stuff printed by 3rd party. After reaching out they amended their wording, it was to stop it being put on free websites, however it was ok for me to get it privately printed by a company.
In comes dungeon scenery 3d:
I was very impressed, it was quite a large order but the turn around time was very quick!
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