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They have come for me...

They have come for me...

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Talos Valcoran

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 14
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The first thing I needed to do with this guy was to source his individual components.

Famously Talos stole a power sword from a Blood Angel and it was the source of much conflict as various Night Lords tried to steal it and The Blood Angels wanted to retrieve it!

So I was able to secure a very nice looking Blood Angel themed Power Sword from Ebay.

Next, Talos is gifted a Storm Bolter, so back to Ebay we went.

Also for whatever reason, Talos wears the Aquilla on his chest although he breaks it to show his distaste for the Imperium – another Ebay buy.

Finally I wanted a stylised helmet for him and I was able to pick up some from Kromlech.

The tricky part was cutting the Chaos Marine chest plate away and fitting the Aquilla one in place. A bit of liquid Green stuff filled in most of the unsightly gaps.

Talos Valcoran

The armour we did:

Kantor Blue – (shadeDrakenhof Nightshade – *highlight* Kantor Blue – *highlight* (Altdorf Guard Blue) – *highlight* Hoeth Blue 

Metal Trim:

Gehanna’s gold – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – *highlight* Liberator Gold


Leadbelcher – (shade) Agraxearth Shade – (shade) Nuln Oil – *highlight* Storm Host Silver 


Retributor Armour – (shade) Agrax Earthshade – Blood For the Blood God on the Blood Drop


Corax White – (shade) nuln oilt – *highlight* White Scar

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