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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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Mercian Return

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Funny when I think about it this project is now over 12 months old. It started as a little project around my salute buys the last Salute, The Alt history idea grew out of it as I wanted to mix tank units from different nations, plus like Warren I wanted to steer away from actual wars that many may have fought in. It has now grown in size as I have expanded it for Team Yankee sized battles, with units of Mercenaries and the Evil Vogans from 2000AD battling over fictional islands in the med.

As its developed the  was the Mercian’s  got a bit sidelined with only had an odd number of vehicles completed.


M1 brought out to match paint schemes.M1 brought out to match paint schemes.

As is my want when Battlefront released the New American forces for the game I invested heavily.

I was asked if my new Americans were going to be painted as Americans or……..

Or was the answer.

Most of the purchases will be used to expand my forgotten Mercians.

All of the starter box bar the Apaches and two of the Bradleys.

All of the Assault guns as well

Plus a platoon of Canadian Infantry.

I had split my 4 Zveda Bradleys 2 to Mercians and two to Mallets, so did the same to bring each respective unit to 4.

I brought a box of LAV AA which will go the Mallots as they already had the original LAV’s

The Warthogs will probably be part of an American air mercenary unit  as may the Apaches.

Anyway I have now begun to rebuild the Mercians. Even though I had a partly done unit of M1A1’s which were in various stages of basecoating and washs  I decided to start with two more M1’s and a recon unit of HMMV’s . The M1’s will increase my number to 4 who will make a recon troop for the Squadron (Mercia uses British unit names for tank companies) , with the squadron eventually having a troop of M1A1’s, a hq troop of M1A1’s and A heavy troop of M1A1HC’s to reflect the different issue’s of tanks they have received over the years.

Hmmv's with base Zanti Dust spray.Hmmv's with base Zanti Dust spray.
Bradley with Freisland flesh washBradley with Freisland flesh wash
M1,s post dry brush Zandri Dust, and 1st lines of Adeptus Standard Grey.M1,s post dry brush Zandri Dust, and 1st lines of Adeptus Standard Grey.

I then put a line of Nuln oil overcthe centre of the grey lines, and finally another light dry brush of Zandri Dust to weather it for the effect in the 1st photo at beginning of this section.

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