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New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

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Eradicators finished

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished

These guys were pretty quick to paint since I did not have to do much different and I think I’ve gotten the standard Dark Angels down. Real shame these are the last models I’m painting as standard Dark Angels. I’m going to be moving on to the Bladeguard but I’ve decided to paint them in the style of Deathwing so I can’t wait to start ruining these guys and their tiny details.

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crazyredcoat Recent comment authors
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Small suggestion on the guns, mate, but if you’re wanting to break up some of the large metal areas, you can always pick out the odd panel or tube in a gold or copper colour before washing over it with the rest of the metal. Really looking forward to seeing more progress!

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