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Adeptus titanicus salvage job

Adeptus titanicus salvage job

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Project Entry by wolf320f Cult of Games Member

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salvage starts.

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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my only option was to simulate battle damage in order to get the leg armour plates to fit in their appropriate spaces. Some lost and awful lot but due to the expense of the model it was something that was needed to save the kit and still have a warlord come the end.

It also seemed fitting as in all my games of AT it was my legs getting getting hammered until the titan finally exploded.

Now taking a Dremmel or saw to such an expensive model isn’t for everyone and none of my own have needed this. That said if you get the chance to salvage something where there are no expectations of a golden demon winner at the end go for it and have fun but always remember that you can take more off but cant put it back on start small until your more confident of your ability.

I will warn you though you need to have a plan and an idea in your head of what your after before you start as the model prior to paint can look horrific until colour and texture bring it to life. Don’t get disheartened as paint is your friend especially at the weathering stage. You are never gonna have a pristine all shiny Titan with leg damage so its got to be dirty grimy and look like its been through hell. I am no golden demon winner, I am average at best and simply set to work throwing weathering powders rust effects and ground pastels at it before i finished it all over with a unifying brown wash which mashed it all together and sort of worked.

At the end of the day its usable now and i had fun getting messy, even my white jack Russell turned out rusty red because he lay under my desk when the powders were flying thick and fast lol

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