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Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

Crazyredcoat's Crazy Compendium of Collected Creativity

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"You shall have one task and one task only, Merrett, but I believe you are well suited to it. I want you to see to it that Greatjon Umber is so bloody drunk that he can hardly stand, let alone fight."

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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The Greatjon is finished! Like I said before, he was done using pretty much the same techniques as the other Umbers with a couple of differences. The main one is the higher amount of gold dotted around the mini, as he is a Lord of an ancient house of the First Men, so a bit more bling goes nicely. Another notable, but small, extra was the horn hanging off of his belt that I did with some simple ideas that I had. First thing there was a coat of Rakarth Flesh, which was then shaded with Agrax Earthshade. After that I did a thin coat of Wyldwood Contrast from the mouthpiece to just over half way up, then added another thin coat of Black Templar Contrast finishing a bit further down. After that I did some highlights of Screaming Skull that I dragged down the length of the horn in line motions. Last but not least was the hair. I wanted to show a slightly greying look like in some of the artwork of the Greatjon so I started with a base of Dryad Bark, then picked out some strands with Mechanicus Standard Grey. After that I shaded with Nuln Oil and drybrushed some Gorthor Brown across the hair and did a VERY light drybrush with Screaming skull gently across the top of the hair, but you barely notice that.

And that is all my Umbers done! I haven’t decided on what’s next, yet, but I may doing either Tyrion Lannister or start on some of my Starks, we’ll have to see.

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